Monday, July 29, 2013

Sewing for Travel

So, you guessed it, I am a confessed fabricholic.  I have a fabric stash that decorates one wall of my current loom room.  Now some of this fabric is vintage, i.e. from my mother's stash and other is what I have collected.  Being a true fabric junkie, just because I have a stash of unsewn fabric, this does not prevent me from buying new fabric.  With this in mind, recently I was perusing the internet via an email from "Vogue Fabrics" and I saw a special for "beach wear" cottons.  I ordered three yards of each of the above and received $6.00 shipping because of the size of my order.  We just do not have great sources for fashion fabric where I live so I live with shipping cost.

Now realizing that I will never probably sew my entire stash, I do resolve that what ever fabric I bring in new to my house, it will get sewn within the year.  This is true summer weight fabric, so I went through my patterns for some simple loose fitting garments and went to work.  My window of opportunity for wearing gauzy fabric has been growing shorter by the day.  I also like loose fitting garments for travel and with several trips coming up I decided that a pair of pants, a top and a jacket to match would fill the bill.

Butterick #4950 (2001)

I have already worn these clothes on a 99 degree day and they were very comfortable and cool.  No need to iron as the fabric is a crinkle cotton.  I know they will travel well and will be a big part of my travel wardrobe for both of my trips.

Just so I don't feel completely guilty about buying more fabric, I also pulled out of my stash some madras plaid to make a jumper.  I decided to line the jumper, making the construction a little more complicated than the pattern called for. 

Butterick # 5347 (2009)
I wore this with a little black shrug and black sandals...very cute and comfortable for summer wear.


  1. You are so good - if I didn't love you so much I'd really dislike you. You do a great job of buying tons of fabric and then sewing it up and wearing it in short order.....unlike me who just adds to the stash.....

  2. Love the top! It looks like great lounging fabric!!
