Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Where in the world did "Everbe Fiber" come from?

I am a night owl.  My most creative work occurs after 8 p.m.  I have been this way since I was a young girl.  I have never had any problem staying up through the wee hours of the night and early morning doing a project or writing a paper.  At one point in my nursing career I worked the night shift. (although my favorite shift was evenings, 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.)  I usually fade about 5 a.m.  As I age though, I don't find that I can stay up as long as I once did. However, when falling to sleep, some of my best ideas and creative thoughts come to me. One night, as I was falling asleep, I was thinking about my fiber endeavors with the idea of creating an "Etsy" shop when the name for my business popped into my head. 

 I am a member of a local book club, which I helped start.  Our group is known as "The Gold Hill Literary and Quiche Society".  Our local newspaper did a human interest story on our group and generated a great deal of interest in folks who wanted to become members.  After some discussion with our current members I volunteered to host an invitational meeting for prospective new members.  The book to be read for this meeting was a William Faulkner novel, "The Revers".

If you have ever read any works of this southern writer, you know that Faulkner takes a lot of literary license in his writing.  His artistry with words is not always easy to follow much less understand. With this in mind the book club decided that anyone who would read this book and find my house off the beaten path at 6:30 p.m. one fall evening would automatically be "in".  We picked up five new members that evening and I picked up an name for my fiber work.

One of the characters in Faulkner's book was a young woman named "Everbe".  "What a quaint name", I thought.  As you can see from the picture of my current studio above, there will "Everbe Fiber" in my life.  As I closed my eyes that fateful night, I decided that when I pursued my passion after my retirement I would call my efforts "Everbe Fiber"....So be looking for an ETSY shop by the end of this year.  And, Thank you William Faulkner.  Your are quirky, but a genius.


  1. Thank you for that - I was wondering where the name came from!

  2. I love the name! It is very fitting... but maybe you should do a spin off... Everbe Fabric, cause I know there is a ton of fabric in that room too!
