Monday, July 29, 2013

Time to Catch Up

It has been a while since I have posted on this blog.  This fabric from my loom has been draped across the loom bench waiting to be turned into dish towels.  For some reason, my weavings usually end up as gifts and this is no exception.  I am taking a set of these to Ireland with me as a gift for my cousins and I needed to haul out my sewing machine to finish the fabric into towels.
I now have six towels, two of which are going to hang in my kitchen; the rest are going to be monogrammed with the letter "C" for Conlon and given as gifts.  I often have to remember to "gift" myself with my handwovens.

So while I was sewing, I decided that I needed a little something extra to go with my hand dyed, hand spun and hand woven scarf.  I had a little scrap left of my hand woven fabric, so I decided to turn it into the outside of a little fabric wallet.  I also had enough of my warp left that I knitted fingerless mittens to go with my scarf and wallet.

I have a few other gifts that I shall tuck into my luggage for my trip "Across The Pond".  I love that I can make things from raw fiber.  It gives me a great feeling of connection to the past of human endeavors as well as fulfilling my need for creativity in my work.  My back and bones may ache at the end of my days but I love to do what I do.


  1. The towels are very elegant - I clicked to get a bigger image, beautiful. Love the idea of making fingerless mitts and a wallet to match your scarf.

  2. Your kitchen towels are the best! I love mine :D
